Other Designs

Here are some other physical designs that I have fabricated for my own personal use, mostly using 3D printing. The models were primarily created and modified using SolidWorks.


Headphone Holder

Inspiration for this was found in IKEA, after encountering headphones held up by aluminum mounts and thinking, “I could do this myself”. Thus, I designed my own mount and 3D printed it. This can be mounted with just a normal push pin and has room inside to include a light if desired.

Mic Stand Pick Holder

When playing guitar, I often switch between finger-picking and using a guitar pick and have yet to find a method that works well without dropping the pick. I have seen pick holders that attach to mic stands before, but for something frequently used in live performances where image is valued, they aren’t very aesthetically satisfying. For this reason, I 3D printed my own unique pick holder that clips onto a mic stand and holds 3 guitar picks.



Musical gloves

For a Machine Learning course at the University of Colorado Boulder, a team of four and I built a pair of musical gloves. These gloves allowed users to play piano without any keys in front of them. We detected hand motion using a microcontroller with attached flex sensors and we also tracked colors with a web camera. The users had to train the data first and then a machine learning algorithm would adapt to each individual’s motions and clothing colors.